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Season of hope

Our church recently hired Mr. Chris Porter as our preacher. This is huge because we have gone three years without a full-time preacher. We realized that the situation that we were in was dire and extremely risky. What we didn’t know was that we were in a season of hope. Without a full-time, preacher, to lead our congregation we were stagnant and completely hopeless. The best way to describe it was that we were treading water, we were staying afloat but just barely. Certainly growing wasn’t happening and for a long time, it was impossible to know which way we needed to go.

What we did was look to God to lead us, to show us the men he wanted us to hear from. He gave us different styles, but it was always the message we needed at the right time. God is always there when we need him the most. He is our hope in the seasons of drought and despair as well as the seasons of joy and fruitfulness.


We did have some excellent fill-ins and for a good chunk of this time. Lucky for us we found one of the best preachers that God has ever put on this earth to interim for us. David Jett will always be a part of our family and we are so grateful to him and his wife Debbie. Every Sunday they made the trip to deliver the message God needed us to hear.

Looking back isn’t always bad it should give us hope

During this time “in the wilderness” we did learn about ourselves and our congregation. We lost some members during this time, some by circumstance, some for health reasons, and others by choice. We are aware that nothing happens without God, no matter how much we want something to happen. It’s impossible to fully understand God’s reasoning for giving us this time between preachers, but there is a reason.

Time for hope

This being the Christmas season it is important for us to remember that we are not hopeless. No matter how hard life feels or becomes at any given moment there is a reason. God is in control, and it is all part of his plan. This season is the perfect time to reflect on our past year and identify all the places where God has touched our lives. We all have situations in life that came together or fell apart that at the time didn’t make sense. Looking back on it knowing what you know now, you can clearly see the hand of God working. He is always there even when we are in our darkest moments. Many times, we can’t see him at the moment, but in time it becomes clearer.

The Christmas season should restore our hope, it is the time of year when speaking of Jesus should be easier. The door is open to talking about the “reason for the season” and why we have Christmas, to begin with. Now that we have our preacher, we want to be a force for God and start growing. If it is in his will our little country church could be ground 0 for a major movement for Christianity. God can do great things through his people when they are willing. We are ready God, use our church as you see fit to change the hearts and minds of those around us, who in turn can do the same. This is how we grow, and this is how we get this country turned back to God who has always been there for us. Jesus is the reason for our season of hope.

To learn more about our church or to get in touch with us click here!

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